Sport passess
All Nazarbayev University sports classes, gyms, and recreational sports facilities are operated under a pass system.
Passes for Students
Multi-Visit Pass
Monthly pass for uninstructed or student sports club work-out at the Athletic or Sports Center: KZT 500/month.
Access to sports facilities is allowed only to visitors with NU ID and a valid sports pass. Please have your identification documents with you when visiting Athletic Center or Sports Center.
Sports for all
Nazarbayev University aims to create conditions for all community members to participate in sports.
– Taking into account the special needs of people with disabilities, free access to the University Athletic Center pool will be provided from 11:00 to 13:00 hours on weekdays (Monday to Friday).
– There are special swimming hours for girls from 11:00 to 13:00 every Saturday.
For details, please contact Athletic Center reception desk at or call +77172706696.
For information on Sports Passes and other questions contact:
Athletic Center reception desk at
Access to sports facilities is allowed only to visitors with NU ID and a valid sports pass. Please have your identification documents with you when visiting Sports Center or other NU sports facilities.