About Us
Welcome to Nazarbayev University, a modern and rapidly developing university located in the heart of Eurasia – Nur-Sultan city, the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Nazarbayev University (NU) was founded by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev. The University aims to develop into a research university of international renown combining education, research and innovation. Nazarbayev University educates the next generation of leaders of the Republic of Kazakhstan in science, public administration and various professions, thus contributing to the future development of the country. Core features of Nazarbayev University include: academic freedom and institutional autonomy,both legally enshrined as Nazarbayev University operates under a special Law; predominantly internationally recruited faculty, English as the language of instruction and research; entirely merit-based admission and progression system; and integrated teaching and research starting at the undergraduate level.
To give Kazakhstan and the world the scientists, academics, managers, and entrepreneurs needed to prosper and develop
To be a model for higher education reform and modern research; to contribute to the establishment of Astana as an international knowledge, innovation, and medical hub; and to prepare students for a world of increased volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.
- Goal I: Higher Education Reform Leadership
To ensure that the lessons of Nazarbayev University’s experience are transferred and understood by other universities, schools, and research centers - Goal II: Academic excellence
To achieve Nazarbayev University’s mission by developing and maintaining academic excellence - Goal III: Research excellence
To develop a program of world-class research by partnering with the world’s best researchers and research institutions - Goal IV: A model for creating healthcare services
To establish a healthcare system that will provide a model for healthcare services throughout Kazakhstan - Goal V: Innovation and translating research into production
To become Kazakhstan’s main driver of innovation, leading the way for Astana to become a regional hub of innovation
Here you can download the booklet about Nazarbayev University