Information Session “How to get a scholarship for Master’s and Ph.D. programs of the NU School of Engineering and Digital Sciences”
Date: February 3, 2022
Time: from 18:00 to 19:30 Nur-Sultan time
NU Office of Enrollment Management and the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences invite everyone interested in Master’s and Ph.D. programs of School of Engineering and Digital Sciences to join an information session held via Zoom!
During the session, participants will receive detailed information about Master’s and Ph.D. programs of the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, entry requirements, selection process, as well as useful advice on how to prepare for the interview.
Program of the session:
18:00-18:05 Welcome Speech, Aida Sultanali, Office of Enrollment Management
18:05-18:30 Presentation of Master’s and Ph.D. programs of the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, Aida Sultanali, Office of Enrollment Management (in English)
18:30-19:00 Presentation “How to prepare for the Interview”, Luis Rojas, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, Associate Provost for Graduate Studies (in English)
19:00-19:15 Open talk with Yussup Tumgoyev, student of the Master’s in Data Science program, BSc in Computer Science (in English)
19:15-19.30 Q&A session, Aida Sultanali, Office of Enrollment Management (in the Kazakh, English, and Russian languages)
The session will be held in English. Participants can ask questions in the Kazakh, English, and Russian languages.
In order to register, please follow the link.
Do not hesitate to contact the Call-center if you have any questions:
Tel.: +7 7172 642584, +7 747 0940230