Schedule of the written part of the IELTS examination in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

May 19, 2012

Dear Applicants!

We invite you to the third stage of the entrance examinations – IELTS test.
The registration for the examination is 12.00.
The examination starts at 13.00.
The date and venue of the written part of the examination can be found here


Date of the written part of the examination

Venue of the written part of the examination


May 19, 2012

School #9,
8 Ryskolova str.


May 19, 2012

Oblast lyceum named after
Zh. Dosmukhamedov,
12 Auezova ave.


May 19, 2012

Lyceum #264,
microdistrict Syrdarya,
5 Sultan Beibars str.


May 19, 2012

Gimnasiym #8,
29 Kazybek Bi str.


May 26, 2012

Nazarbayev intellectual School
32 Kabylbayeva str.


May 26, 2012

School for gifted children # 8,
1 Dzhezkazganskaya str.


May 26, 2012

Secondary school # 53,
microdistrict “Astana” (# 12), 10 A

For the IELTS examination an applicant must have:
• Identity card or passport (original)
• Pencil (non-mechanical)
• Pencil sharpener
• Bottle of water