Leadership in sport

On October 3, 2013, for the first time, two times Olympic champion, Iliya Ilyin and Winner of Asian Games 2010, Anna Alyabyeva visited Nazarbayev University’s event dedicated to leadership with the eyes of champions.  A lot of students took active part in the event by asking questions related to their sport career and life positions as community leaders. 

Efforts of Nazarbayev University basketball club’s members resulted in a big event, where students learned real leadership from practical approach. A lot of students wanted to know how to be a champion, and how to overcome a big sense of responsibility that could act as disturbance. “Leadership is about to be every single day the best, and only with this attitude you will be a real leader”- said Iliya Ilyin during the event, these words were well remembered.

Organizers state that this festival had a huge social impact. “Nowadays, we hear a lot of information how to be a leader, but Iliya Ilyin and Anna Alyabeva showed and shared real experience as national champions.  One thing that I will remember is that “you put boundaries by yourself, thus you have no limits to self-improvement” – said Adilkhan Sartayev, captain of Nazarbayev University Basketball Team.


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