“Poet and his Muse”. The theatrical performance of NU students
On November 7, 2019, Nazarbayev University held a literary and theatrical evening entitled “Aqyn zhane onyg muzasy” (Poet and his Muse) dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the great poet Ilyas Zhansugurov.
First and fourth-year students[1] from SSH, SEDS, and SMG presented a theatrical performance based on the famous poem “Kuishi” by Ilyas Zhansugurov and the tragedy “Khan Kene” by Mukhtar Auezov. After this performance, guests were treated to a musical duet by NU graduate Nursultan Yessenkul and SSH Associate professor Mark Lawrence, of the song “Balqadisha” of Akan seri. Event-goers also enjoyed student recitations of poetry in English and Kazakh, taken from the poem “Kulager”. The NU Orchestra closed the event by performing the kuy “Adai”.
These kinds of events provide a space to showcase the talents of young people, and helps to increase their interest in poetry, as well as develop their spiritual ability. Performing, and especially acting, helps students to express their thoughts openly, and to overcome the fear of speaking in front of an audience”, – commented Gultas Kurmanbay, director of the Cultural Center Rukhani Zhangyru, Nazarbayev University.
The event’s performances commemorated the great love of Ilyas Zhansugurov and his muse Fatima Gabitova. Nazarbayev University is particularly thankful to the event’s organizers, participants, and guests, who include honored cultural figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputies, poets, writers, university teachers, principals, and secondary school students.
The event was organized by students under the leadership of the Cultural Center Ruhani Zhangyru. Attendance by the poet’s granddaughter, Head of the Research Center “Sandzh”, Zhanar Dzhandosova made for a particularly special and memorable evening.
The information is given by Gulnaz Kalambayeva
[1] Student Cast members include: Baknur Adikhan, Saltanat Aidarova, Aslan Akzhanov, Aliya Almas, Balnur Bazarbayeva, Rakhat Beisenbek, Dauren Idrissov, Marzhan Zhunusbekova, Assel Kadyrkul, Mukhamejan Karatayev, Razida Kenes, Kamilla Kenzhekhankyzy, Nurbolat Kenzhekulov, Ayauzhan Khamitova, Arailym Khusain, Beles Kozykan, Bekzat Kuvanchbay, Arman Kuzembayev, Otankhan Maikenov, Shamil Mureyev, Aigerym Nauryzbekova, Aida Nurkenova, Daniyar Pashar, Yerassyl Sagynov, Assylanbek Sharipov, Zhuldyz Sukhambek, Tansulu Temirbekova, Ramazan Ualdiuly, Aibar Ussenov, Akezhan Zhanuzak.