Students and Graduates of NU addressed the First President – Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev
Dear Nursultan Abishevich!
Kazakhstani society faces an invisible enemy – the coronavirus epidemic, which, unfortunately, has not bypassed you, as well as many thousands of Kazakhstanis. On behalf of all students and graduates of Nazarbayev University, we wish you and all those sick a speedy recovery and hope that our support will help raise your spirit in the fight against this ailment!
Exactly 10 years ago, on your initiative, the doors of our University were opened, and during this time the University became the flagship of the national higher education system, striving to compete on equal terms with the leading universities of the world. Thanks to your initiative, the conditions for a very unique opportunity were created – thousands of young and talented students were able to develop their potential and receive a high-quality education at the level of international standards without leaving Kazakhstan. Today, more than four and a half thousand graduates of Nazarbayev University proudly represent and embody the excellence of their Alma Mater, both in Kazakhstan and abroad. We greatly appreciate your inspirational words that you kindly address to us, and we hope to meet your expectations by always working hard in our various fields and striving to make contributions to the development of Kazakhstani society.
We know that throughout your life there have been many difficult situations, problems and obstacles – including those related to the life of our country and all its citizens – that you were able to pass through and over which you successfully prevailed. You are a striking example for us of a real person, a staunch and wise leader. Based on your example a new generation is being brought up today. These young leaders, managers, and patriots of their homeland stand ready to continue the work that you started. Allow us to express to you our immense faith in you and support. Be healthy, our First President!