Мектеп оқушылары мен студенттерге арналған 2021 ж. жазында өтетін онлайн ғылыми жобалар

NU қызығушылық танытқан мектеп оқушыларын және студенттерді университет оқытушылары мен студенттері жүргізетін онлайн ғылыми жобаларға қатысуға шақырады!

Қолжетімді ғылыми жобалар:

  • Simulation of electroactive biofilms through agent-based modelling (ABM) in NetLogo 

Жоба жетекшісі: Энрико Марсили – Инженерия және цифрлық ғылымдар мектебінің Қауымдастырылған профессоры

  • Anticancer drug conjugation to organosilica nanoparticles as potential vehicles for biomedical application

Жоба жетекшісі: Эллина Мун – Жаратылыстану, әлеуметтік және гуманитарлық ғылымдар мектебінің Постдокторанты

Ғылыми жобалар және құжат тапсыру жөніндегі ақпарат төмендегі кесетелерде берілген.

 Project 1Project 2
1Title of the research projectSimulation of electroactive biofilms through agent-based modelling (ABM) in NetLogo*Anticancer drug conjugation to organosilica nanoparticles as potential vehicles for biomedical application
2Project supervisorEnrico Marsili, Associate Professor of the School of Engineering and Digital SciencesEllina Mun, Postdoctoral Research Scholar, School of Sciences and Humanities
3Project summary

Electroactive biofilms are microbial communities that contribute to wastewater treatment and bioremediation through electrochemical surface interactions. Biofilm can be simulated with ABM to gain insight in their propagation and behavior.

A theory-based project introducing student to organosilica nanoparticles, their characteristics and potential application in biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. Drug delivery is one of the application routes of silica nanoparticles. Anticancer drug can be loaded, conjugated to the carrier, as well as the release kinetics can be studied providing information on the efficacy of organosilica nanoparticles as potential drug delivery vehicles in anticancer therapy.

Project duration

June 14-25, 2021 (2 weeks)June 14-25, 2021 (2 weeks)

Project format


Who can apply for the project?**

High school students (9-11 graders)/current undergraduate studentsHigh school students (9-11 graders)/current undergraduate students
7Eligibility criteria

Interested candidates are expected to have:

  • strong interest in Biomedical Engineering and Applied Microbiology
  • English proficiency at an intermediate or upper-intermediate level

Interested candidates are expected to have:

  • strong interest in Chemistry/Life Sciences/Biomedical Engineering/Pharmacy/Nanotechnology
  • English proficiency at an intermediate or upper-intermediate level
8What can candidates gain from the project?

The selected participant will be able to

  • see the research in action and improve his/her research skills
  • gain a good understanding of Biochemical Engineering and Applied Microbiology
  • gain good teamwork skills
  • build a network with NU faculty and students
  • be exposed to the NU environment

The selected participant will

  • get an insight to a real research project
  • see the research in action and improve his/her research skills
  • gain a good understanding of nanotechnology for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical applications
  • gain good teamwork skills
  • build a network with NU faculty and students
  • be exposed to the NU environment
9Application package

Candidates are asked to send their CVs to oem@old.nu.edu.kz by May 30, 2021 with the email subject “CV for the research project on NetLogo”.
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview by June 6, 2021

Candidates are asked to send their CVs to oem@old.nu.edu.kz by May 30, 2021 with the email subject “CV for the research project on Anticancer drug conjugation”.
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview by June 6, 2021.
10Selection process
  • CV review
  • Short interview
  • CV review
  • Short interview
11Additional info*NetLogo is a freely available software platform developed for teaching and research purpose (https://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/index.shtml)
**NU is committed to creating a diverse learning environment. All qualified candidates will receive consideration without regard to race, religion, gender, disability, age, or social status.